
Friday, 22 November 2013

future asperations


last thursday we, the year sevens and the year eights got to listen to very special people to see what kind of job (jobs) we would want to do in the future. There were 2 sessions. 1 in the street and another 1 in the hall.

The year sevens stayed in one group inside the hall. First the year sevens stayed in the hall and the year eights went to the street. When we all got to our sets and sat down the first speaker that came up was only a year 7 student.

His name was Tristan pang. He came from a school called Ficino in Auckland. He started of talking about his school work and how he grow up.  Most of the words Tristan said I didn't even know what he was saying.

He had completed year 13 exams and was going to University. Tristan said he wanted the study science. Tristan said he would be in his room doing his homework for hours and his mum had to tell him to put his homework away and eat.He said doing homework is better then staying in front of the tv playing video games.



Waking up in the middle of the night in my bedroom I heard a sound. It sounded like someone whispered. Getting out of my bed I put on my slippers. While I Walked towards the door I heard the whisper   so I ran as fast as I could to the light and switched it on. Looking around my bedroom there was no one anywhere so I went out of my bedroom.

As I walked slowly across the hallway I turned in to my brothers room. Opened the door I run and jumped on my brother and said to him “There is someone or something whisssssspering in our house”. I nervously said to him.

“Are you sure”?my brother said.

“Yes I am very sure”. I said Shaking while I was talking.

So we went of and looked in the lounge. Looking under the couch there was nothing than that whisper sound came along.

“Did you hear that sis”? Said my brother.

“Yes that was what I was trying to tell you about” I quickly said.

Looking everywhere in the lounge there was no-one to be found so we went and looked in the bathroom and the toilet. I was too scared to look inside the bathroom so my big brother went in by his self and I stood waiting for him to come out. Next he looked in the toilet there was nothing there either.
Then my brother said “we need to  look in the basement are you up for it sis”? My brother calmly said to me.

“Nooo”.I said.

So the only place left for us to look was in mum and dads bedroom. We heard that whisper again. Opening the door very gently I walked to my dad and mum. When I got to my dad I heard the noise again  BANG then I knew how it was all along, it was, it was my dad.

         THE END!!!!!!!

Tuesday, 12 November 2013



Going to the first activity we, the year seven boys had to line up behind for cones in our house colours. Jonty  first told us what we had to do. We had to jump in side the sack and hope on one foot to the cone that was 5 metres in front of use.

on your mark get set GO and we were of hopping down to the cone and back. After that we went to do tag of war. When my team went up for our turn to do tag of war we all put our hands on the rope as tight as we could and then we had to pull the rope.

Both off our teams were pulling as hard as we could. The rope was going here there here and there.Then we won. The Taki team.

the  next activity we did next was softball throw.Nathaniel told us how it went hen we got straight into it. When I had my first throw I made it to second place.