
Friday, 31 May 2013




America has the most obese people in the world.

Some people lose their limbs because they are overweight (obese). Most obese people die from heart attacks, heart disease and much more.

Two months ago a man named John Alleman died from pneumonia because he ate too many junk food. He was only 29 years old.

1.13 million adults in New Zealand are overweight. Fat people get obese because they eat too much junk food and sit in front of the tv. Lots and lots of countries have been increasing their rate of obesity every year.

In 1980 to 2000 obesity doubled among adults. About 60 million adults or 30% of the adult population is now obese.        
Over weight people need to think about their future, whether they want to live or they want to die.

My smart goal

My SMART Health goal: I can run 1k in 5.30 minutes. my goal is to run under  5.00 minutes in 1k.

at the end of the term

People should not drink alcohol

people should not drink alcohol
because it could affect their brain
and start having problems. Any level
of alcohol in the body of a young
person puts them in a high risk of dying.  alcohol play up in peoples minds and they start doing anything.         
                                                                               Of all age groups the 15-24 year olds have
an increasing death rate. When people get
drunk they do things that they don’t usually
do. The earlier people start drinking.
Alcohol has been around for thousands and
thousands of years but wine was the first
alcohol to come out.

Friday, 17 May 2013

What's really in our food (Eggs)


*E.P.F: Egg producers federation
*NZers eat 92,000,000 eggsCaged hens never see the light (sun).
per year (mostly caged)
*6 birds per cage
*Eggs are high in protein (easy for our bodies to digest)
*cooked egg protein is better than raw
*Protein is mostly in the yolk (nutrient rich)
*Unfridgerated eggs last 21 day
*Caged Hen never see the sun
*Farmed Hens always eat fresh grass from the outside of their barn
*Farmed hens have access to the outdoors and are not put in cages
*White eggs come from white hen and brown eggs come from brown hen


New Zealanders munch up to 920,000,000 poached, scrambled and boiled but mostly caged eggs every year. WOW!!!!
Farmed ranged hens get access to the outdoor every day and night.
White eggs are from white hens and brown eggs are from brown hens.
Unfridgerated eggs last up to 21 days before they expire.
In one caged there are 6 hens per cage.
The protein is mostly in the yolk part of the egg.

Friday, 10 May 2013


When we the HIPHOP CREW got out on stage to do our thing I was nerves to dance in front of WILL.I.AM then when the music started it played up and stopped I was ashamed of myself. Everybody started to cheer for as again so we went to the back of the stage and waited for the song to start again.

When the song started again I got back on stage and started dancing again. When it was time for us to stop and pose I could not breath properly.

When we had to walk of stage I saw WILL.I.AM shacking his legs in and out nervesly. When I went to the back of the stage and went around the school and into the back of the special assembly and sat right at the back.

When WILL.I.AM said that he was going to donate 100,000 dollars to all of the manaiakalani schools I was amazed off how much money he was going to give to us. 

Then when Mr.Bert said it was time to come back to our classes I ran straight to class and got an I Pad out to do my work then WILL.I.AM came in to class. When he came into class I took a video of him answering our questions.TO BE CONTINUED........