Lining up in our classroom lines we walk into the hall and site down in our class lines. Mr. Burt went up in-front of all of us and started the prize giving. First Mr. Burt started the prize giving with a movie. After that Mr. Burt got on stage and started talking about progress in writing and maths and also talking about a whole lot of sports we our school have been in at the Auckland level.
Next came the year 5 prize giving awards for the kids who were getting prizes. there was a whole lot of kids that I didn’t even know that went up but I still clapped. After the year 5’s had their prizes given to them they had to go back on stage and do their dance. Watching the year 5’s do the dance on stage was alright. After that was the year 6 students turn for prizes.I was most surprised with the year 6 sports.
It was EPIC with the sports. The year 6 dance was good to. Next came us year 7’s turn for prizes. When Mr. Burt Called up the upcoming house captains and prefects for 2014. When Mr. Burt called up the house captains for Takitimu he called up Jorja and Tj Seuoti-Folau. When he called my name I was shocked. It was like I was day-dreaming, but I wasn't. Prize giving last night was cool.