
Monday 26 May 2014


SOUNDS If there was no sound in the world the world will be less fun. The world will be boring no sound no music no music no fun. Sound is a very interesting fact to study. Sound created instrument and instrument makes sound that creates music. There are many ways to make sounds and different object that can make sound. Sound can make people get loots and good jobs like joining into a band. Sound vibrates when you hit an object and pushes the air molecules to other and hit your eardrums and that will convert into electrical signal to your brain. There are different pitches of each sound, some sounds has high pitch and low pitch. Low pitch goes slower but high pitches goes faster. Every sound has different amplitude which is another name for volume. The top of the sound wave is called crest but the low part is called trough. As you can see that sound is important, without sound there will be no fun in the world. Sounds can be created with different objects and that will create an instrument. I like to hear different music they sound really good.

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